19 Sep 2022

William Ribaudo appointed as new board member of Ortelius Holding AB

January 18, 2022 – Malmö, Sweden

William (Bill) Ribaudo, based in Boston, MA US, has been appointed as a new board member of Ortelius Holding AB, a company that develops software to efficiently build digital twins, at the Annual General Meeting on January 4, 2021.

“Bill has a deep understanding of market conditions globally and his knowledge of driving digital transformations is important to us. Ortelius is one of few in the world that has developed its own software platform to build, maintain and develop digital twins and we have ambitious plans going forward. We are in a phase where we will broaden the international footprint of our inorigo® software and establish a stronger partner network in Europe and the US. Bill joins us at just the right time, with his experience of growth companies and his large network of contacts. It is with pleasure that I welcome such a reputable person as Bill to Ortelius’ board”, says Ulf Jensen, CEO of Ortelius.

Bill is a frequent author and international speaker in boardrooms and at conferences on digital business model innovation and its link to market valuation. Bill’s research has been published vastly, including in the Wall Street Journal, Knowledge@Wharton, and the Strategic News Service Global Report. He has been a featured speaker at many global engagements including the 28th Economic Forum (Krynica, Poland) 2018, LinkBridge Global Investors Annual Meeting (NYC), CES (Las Vegas), The Intelligent Enterprise Conference (Sweden), SNS Future in Review (FiRe) conferences, 10th Annual Utah Economic Summit, BBC radio, and the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics.

During Bill’s career at Deloitte, he led Deloitte’s Risk and Financial Advisory’s Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Industry practice for many years and has over 35 years of total business experience, including public company executive financial management, strategic, and operational consulting.

“I look forward to being part of Ortelius’ board. It is an innovative company that has successfully grown stronger. I’m very excited to be involved and to help strategically develop their business model and offer further. Ortelius has a product that is very important for organizations today and in the future,” says Bill Ribaudo.

Ortelius uses the inorigo® software to create digital twins of all different parts of a business. The parts can be connected, as building blocks, into a functioning whole – making it possible to build a digital twin of the entire enterprise in a stepwise approach. With inorigo®, a common language is evolved for the entire business and all its data, activities, and relations, which enables the organization to exchange systems and integrate new business models much easier.

Bill is a member of OECD’s Committee on Digital Economy Policy. He has been a Member of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts High Technology Council for 20 years, and currently serves as its Treasurer. Bill received his BS (magna cum laude) in Accounting from Providence College in the US. He is a member of the AICPA, and of the Massachusetts and the New York Society of Certified Public Accountants.

I look forward to being part of Ortelius’ board. It is an innovative company that has successfully grown stronger.

Bill Ribaudo

About Ortelius

We are a Swedish digital twin company, ensuring customers have structured databases and enabling companies to visualize opportunities. By way of information modelling, we create dynamic digital models of businesses for customers to visualize and understand their current and future scenarios. We provide the expertise in designing taxonomy and ontology based solutions. We are a management consultancy company.

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